
海外の学校からの日本応援メッセージ その1






(アメリカ TABS協会より)

I awoke this morning to the news on my clock/radio about the horrific earthquake in Northern JapanIt's likely you are not able to get this message at the moment, but when you do, just know that all of us at TABS have you and all of Japan in our thoughts and prayers.  Please let us know if there is anything at all we can do.


(スイス・Institut Rosenburgより)

Our thoughts these days are with your country and we are empathising strongly with all the people who have suffered losses from the massive earthquakes and devastating tsunami. Praise is due to all those in charge for having handled with utmost care both the construction and fortification of buildings and the regular training and instructing of the population. And we admire the discipline, patience and relative sangfroid of the Japanese people in this emergency. Without this the situation would be much worse than it already is.


(ニュージーランド Darfield High Schoolより)

After the recent events in Christchurch, I was shocked and saddened to hear of the earthquake and tsunami which hit Japan on Friday.  I hope your family and friends in Japan are safe.  Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese people and our friends in Japan, as they come together to deal with the aftermath of this tragic event. 



(アメリカ)Access American Prep, Admiral Farragut School, Baylor School,Blue Ridge School, Brewster Academy, The Brookhill School,
Cushing Academy, Chatham Hall, Cardigan Mountain School, Fryeburg Academy, The Forman School,  Fountain Valley School of Colorado, Hawaii Preparatory Academy, IECA協会, The Gunnery, Kent School, Kents Hill School, Lake Forest School, Marvelwood School, Northfield Mount Hermon School, The Rectory School, Ross School,Tabor Academy, St. Croix Lutheran High School, St. Johnsbury Academy, St. Margare’s School, St. Mark’s School, Stevenson School, Williston and Northampton School, Woodberry Wyoming Seminary, Wasatch Academy, TABS, 

(イギリス) Bell, Baminton School, Clarendon, St. Bedes, TASIS England, Project

(スイス)Beau Soleil,  Brillantmont, Swiss Learning, La Garenne, Le Rosey, Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, St. George’s School in Switzerland, TASIS

(カナダ)Balmoral Hall School, Bishop’s College School, Canada Homestay International (Ottawa), King’s-Edgehill School, Kamloop International Progaram, Lakefield College, Queen Margaret’s School, Shawnigan Lake School, Upper Canada College,

(ニュージーランド)Columba College, Craighead Diocesan School, Evakona Education,Hagley Community College, Kaipara College,  St. Bede’s College, St. Kevin’s College, Wanganui Collegiate School, Unique New Zealand,

(オーストリア)American School in Salzburg

(オーストラリア)Coomera Anglican College, Shoji Australia









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