
海外の学校からの日本応援メッセージ その2



(イギリス D’Overbroeck’s college, Oxfordより)

I am sending greetings from Oxford.

are watching the news from Japan every day, thinking of you, admiring the bravery and dignity of Japanese people in these extremely difficult conditions.  Our students and staff are now organizing a number of events that will result in contributions towards the Japanese Red Cross.  We know
regardless the sum raised, it will be only a small help in comparison with the immense disaster your country has experienced.  However, we would like to express our support, sympathy and hope the situation will only improve now.

(カナダ Stuart Collegeより)

Our thoughts and concern are with you and we hope that you will let us know if there is anything we can do to help you or your clients at this time. I think the world-wide impression of Japan after this disaster is of a strong, resilient, stoic people. We all feel very much that we want to help:our school is trying to raise some money for the Red Cross to help those affected by the earthquakes and tsunami.  This last week must have been very scary with all the big earthquakes and the nuclear scare too.  I do hope everything settles down sooner so the recovery can begin.

(スイス Brillantmont International Schoolより)

We had an Asian evening last week which was organised by our students from Japan, Korea, Thailand, China, Taiwan. Besides cooking an Asian meal, the students made a film and our Japanese students organised a collection for Japan.

The school (students and staff) have been very generous and we have raised about CHF8000 which we would like to send to Japan however, we want to be sure that the money will go to the right people…

Here in Switzerland we could send the money to the Red Cross.









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